Prayer is The Bridge Between Panic and Peace
Prayer is a kind of magic that can be found if life’s everyday moments. In the present-day world where everybody is constantly going through consternation, finding peace of mind in the midst of turmoil seems so hard. When we are in the middle of a stressful situation we try all the means to control the situation and when we fail to do so, we become helpless and even more anxious, losing all our hopes. So the question arises: how do we stop ourselves by getting trapped in the web spiral of anxious turmoil?
In such situations of hardships in our life, we must turn to the Almighty, who is in control of all things. He is the only one who can calm our uneasy state of mind. When we fail to put the pieces of our life together, the only way to gain peace is to turn to God. We must trust in His will and power to hold us in His hands.
What is Prayer?
The very act of prayer is the direct communication to the Almighty. It is a source to reach God, an act of worship, that glorifies the creator and purpose of our existence. Prayer gives us a way to open up our hearts towards God, creating energy within us and the universe. Prayers are connected with the spiritual means to heal our pain, cure the illness, and improve our lives. These prayers fall in various categories seeking the attention and love of God.
Generally, there are 4 basic forms of prayers, where we connect to the almighty and experience its divine power.
(1) Adoration: Praising God
Where we praise God for He is the creator of all and the universe. God is glorious and worthy of all praises. We should adore him for all that he has done for us.
(2) Contrition: Asking for God’s forgiveness
We all seek forgiveness at some point in our life, for the sins we commit. God is faithful and we should ask him for forgiveness.
(3) Petition: Asking God for a favor
When God grants you His favor, nothing can stop you from succeeding. He is the giver and has countless blessings in store for you.
(4) Thanksgiving: Showing God gratitude
We should express our thankfulness towards God for all the blessings he has showered upon us.
The Ultimate Power of Prayer
Prayer is the link between the soul and the supreme power. During the difficult situations in our life, when all the doors seem to be closed, the only ray of hope comes from the supreme soul. The power of prayer allows us to identify and explore the miracles of God. It is a powerful gift of God that helps us to attain eternal peace and true contentment in life.
Prayers create magic in various aspects and sometimes we are even unaware of this ultimate power.
Reduces stress
Those who have strong religious correlations and better connections with God are likely to have higher positive feelings and lower levels of depression. They are capable of handling stress well. When fearful and anxious thoughts trigger stress, prayers help us find relief and freedom from anxiety.
Peace of Mind
The peace of God- the peace which settles all the anxiety, passes all the troubles and silences the mind, body, and soul!
Worry ends when faith in God begins. The peace of mind or inner peace refers to the state of psychological and spiritual calm. The modern world entities are an obstacle in experiencing inner peace and thus it becomes a challenge for all of us. Praying to God is a key part of developing this peace as it requires the stillness of all the hustle going around.
Being Productive
Negative thoughts, stress and overthinking are some of the elements which get us preoccupied and we are unable to perform certain activities. The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. When you achieve inner peace, you are able to fully accept yourselves and identify your desires and strengths as it serves clarity of mind.
Thus we conclude that seeking God and his righteousness creates an inner and outer well-being that places harmony in one’s life. We should remember Him in our prayers daily and not only in difficult times. Prayers are the source of our peaceful journey of life and achieving our dreams in the glory of Almighty’s blessings.